Since I started western hunting in 2016, I’ve spent time in 4 different style “camps” on DIY hunts.
Bivy Camping - Living off your back and moving with the animals you are pursuing, typically deep in the backcountry. Everything you need is in your backpack at any given moment.
Spike camp - This is where you will hike into an area with your camp on your back, but setup camp in one area that you will come back to every night.
Mobile Truck Camp - Sleeping at the trailhead in the backseat, truck bed, rooftop tent, or a quick to setup/teardown tent. This method is meant to bounce around from trailhead to trailhead with no frills - all business.
Basecamp - The traditional wall tent basecamp is the most luxurious of the DIY hunting camps. The type of setup is more suited for 5 days or longer stays in one place, because it takes a little longer to setup. Basecamp typically includes a larger group style tent, such as a wall tent, a nice cooking system, chairs, table, and etc.
Here is the video of my hunting basecamp and the gear list with links below!
Base Camp Tent - Seek Outside Courthouse Lightweight wall tent - save 5% off Seek Outside products with code eastmeetswest
Camp coffee mug - Yeti Rambler 14 oz Mug
Coffee - Black Rifle Coffee - various light and medium roasts
Clothing bag - Sitka Drifter Duffle 110L
Note: I receive a small commission from some of the links and codes above.
Check out the East Meets West Hunt Podcast for more information on planning and executing DIY hunts!